• 圣灵

    El film se encuadra dentro del género fantástico. ¿Cuál es su argumento Mientras media España busca a una niña desaparecida, la asociación de aficionados a la ufología Ovni-Levante prepara su noche de avistamientos. Uno de sus miembros, José Manuel, guarda un secreto el destino de la humanidad depende de él.
  • 伊尼奥和罗莎是一对新婚夫妇,没想到他们结婚才几个月,西班牙内战爆发。伊尼奥作为亲共分子被弗朗哥独裁政府抓捕,在被押解的路上,伊尼奥想办法逃回了家中。为躲避再一次被捕,伊尼奥在罗莎的帮助下,藏身于自家的地洞里长达30年。
  • 反馈

    London. Jarvis Dolan is a charismatic host of a radio show named The Grim Reality, about news and actuality. Loudmouth, fun and ruthless in his speeches and comments, Jarvis is the most important radio star of the moment, entertaining the audience throughout the early morning with his intelligent programs on hot topics. Previous the job, Dolan is required by his boss Norman Burgess to have a brief talk about the fate of the program by the recent poor ratings, that reporting Dolan to accept to his former partner, Andrew Wilde, as co-host, in an attempt to improvement the show. Going they two to the studio, Wilde meets Dolan's assistants, Anthony and Claire, who work making the show behind the micros. But when Dolan tries to start the program while he waits for Wilde, who had to go out a little before to back more later, he finds suddenly trapped by the circumstances two masked men have assaulted the radio station at gunpoint and kidnapped Anthony and Claire, making him to keep the ...